Ingeniería Electrónica y Eléctrica Ltda. (GEOTERMIKA), was stablished in year 2003 in Llanquihue city, south of Chile, close to main aquaculture area of the country, with the target to develop automatic control and monitoring systems.
After year 2004 the company extended their operations into high efficiency and low emission heating systems under the name of GEOTERMIKA and focused geothermal heat pump and water/water & air/water heat pump aplications.At the beginning tha focus was in builiding, hotels, houses and later expanded into Aquaculture facilities (hatcheries).
After 18 months of research, development and own engineering, in 2006, it was possible to achieve a unique product, with higher performance than standard pumpos in the market.
Since then, we have been leading in tehcnology, allowing our customers to reduce their operational costs and at the same time improving the quality of the final product. Our designs are protected and patented until 2025 with renewal option.
Currently we stand at the fourth generation of heat pumps for aquaculture applications, with more than 450 heat pumps running in the country in different applications.
Geotermika heat pumps main benefits:
- Savings: 50% to 90% against standard solutions (Propane or Diesel) boiler and Chillers and more than 50% against standard heat pumps
- Clean energy and Sustainable: No diesel or propane pollution
- Low maintenance cost: Only one annual service
- Double function: Heat and chilling water at same time.
- Special heat exchanger design for muddy waters, with high ratio of suspenden particles.
- Easy to use: After installation only electrical power is required.
- Profitability: Fast payback because of lowoperations costs against other solutions, as heaters and chillers and standard heat pumps.